Experience Usenet 14 days for free!

We think our Usenet is high quality but seeing is believing! That's why you can now test XS News Elite for 14 days without any limits! No speed or download limit, just lightning fast and reliable. You can cancel your account at any time with 1 click or an e-mail, scroll down for more information.

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Please check your e-mail for the next step.

14 day trial

From the moment the registration is completed you will get 14 days of free access to our Elite month subscription! That means:

ReceiveUnlimited data
SpeedometerUnlimited speed
Connections100 connections

important details

After 14 days, the trial subscription will automatically be converted to a Elite month subscription at £ 9.95.

During the trial period you can change/cancel the subscription at any time.

What do existing customers say about us?

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